University politics may seem like a very obscure topic at first glance, but a quick look at the organisation chart below shows that we as students actually have a great deal of influence in many places.

A very important part of our work as student representatives is to represent your interests, for example, in committees or discussions with the university or faculty management, in other words, to pursue university policy. We are legitimised to do this by you and your vote, which you can cast for us in the university elections. If you are interested in getting involved in a university committee, come to our meetings! We are always happy to welcome new members.

The university elections take place once a year in the summer semester. Students elect the student representatives of their faculty, the Student Convention and the two members of the Student Senate. A high turnout in the university elections is enormously important, because it gives the student representation weight and makes it clear that we as students want to actively shape our university and be involved in decisions. We need this support as student representatives in order to be able to put forward and implement your concerns with sufficient emphasis and to really be listened to in the university committees.

University elections have been held purely digitally since the summer semester 2024. It is no longer possible to vote by post, but you can vote on site at computers in the administration building. To get to the election, log in to Stud.IP, click on Online Election at the top of the menu and then on “To the online election” or use our short link to go directly to the digital university election.
